
Différences entre les versions 1746 et 1794 de LMDZ
r1794 | emillour | 2013-07-18 09:52:31 +0200 (jeu. 18 juil. 2013) | 3 lignes

Some cleanup around ismin/ismax/scopy/ssum routines which are defined in multiple places and should definitely only be in 'bibio'.

r1793 | emillour | 2013-07-18 09:13:18 +0200 (jeu. 18 juil. 2013) | 6 lignes

Improved sponge layer:
- Sponge tendencies are now computed analytically, instead than using a Forward Euler approximation.
- Sponge tendencies are added within top_bound, and the sponge is applied after physics tendencies have been taken into account.
These changes imply that GCM results (when using sponge layer) will be differentwrt bench test cases using previous revisions.

r1792 | emillour | 2013-07-17 12:22:44 +0200 (mer. 17 juil. 2013) | 4 lignes

Adding new version of phys_output_write and ctrlout_mod.

r1791 | emillour | 2013-07-17 12:20:19 +0200 (mer. 17 juil. 2013) | 7 lignes

Enrichissement et organisation en module de la structure ctrl_out des variables de sortie: ajout des champs description, unité et type_ecrit. Adaptation en conséquence des routines histdef et histwrite.

Improvement and transformation into a module of the ctrl_out structure describing output vars. New fields: description, unit and type_ecrit. Creation of new routines histwrite and histdef to take advantage of this structure. 

r1790 | emillour | 2013-07-17 11:24:04 +0200 (mer. 17 juil. 2013) | 7 lignes

Ré-implémentation des commissions écrasées par la rev 1785. (Notamment lmdz1d.F)

Reimplementation of the commitions undonned by rev 1785. (Especially lmdy1d.F)

r1789 | emillour | 2013-07-16 16:41:41 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 3 lignes

Revert make* scripts to what they were at rev 1784 (they were mistakenly modified in revision 1785).

r1788 | idelkadi | 2013-07-16 11:51:31 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 5 lignes

Annuler la correction 
-e-Cette ligne, et les suivantes ci-dessous, seront ignorées--

M    install_1d_src.sh

r1787 | idelkadi | 2013-07-16 11:47:10 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 2 lignes

Correction pour prendre en compte le cas AMMA

r1786 | idelkadi | 2013-07-16 11:40:59 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 2 lignes

pour ne pas faire double emploi avec celui de phylmd

r1785 | emillour | 2013-07-16 11:22:04 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 11 lignes

Transformation de l'include indicesol.h en un module indice_sol_mod et modification des appels dans tous les fichiers concernés.
Aucun changement des résultats ni des sorties du modèle vs 1784.


Replacement of the indicesol.h include by a module named indice_sol_mod. Modification of the calls in every affected files.
Results and outputs of simulations are unchanged in comparison with rev 1784.

r1784 | idelkadi | 2013-07-16 10:55:07 +0200 (mar. 16 juil. 2013) | 2 lignes

modif inutile car la version recuperee dans phy1d en tient deja compte

r1783 | lguez | 2013-07-15 14:54:55 +0200 (lun. 15 juil. 2013) | 1 ligne

Moved repeated calculation above the loop.
r1782 | fairhead | 2013-07-11 11:20:54 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2013) | 6 lignes

Erreur sur le commentaire


Misleading comment

r1781 | emillour | 2013-07-05 14:52:47 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2013) | 3 lignes

Might as well add path to FFTW in the -rpath options (as is done for NetCDF and HDF) so that users won't need to add it to their LD_LIBRARY_PATH

r1780 | fairhead | 2013-07-05 10:38:13 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2013) | 9 lignes

Inclusion des cas AMMA et Sandu dans la configuration 1D


AMMA and Sandu cases included in 1D configuration

r1779 | fairhead | 2013-07-05 10:19:53 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2013) | 11 lignes

Suite de modifs pour le 1d


Follow-up on modifications for 1d cases

r1778 | emillour | 2013-07-05 09:47:07 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2013) | 3 lignes

Add correct paths to use dynamic FFTW library on Ada.

r1776 | fairhead | 2013-06-19 17:47:17 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2013) | 2 lignes

Bug correction

r1775 | fairhead | 2013-06-19 14:24:47 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2013) | 8 lignes

On rajoute des prints de debug pour les sorties si prt_level >=9


Added some prints statements on outputs for debugging purposes.
Nedds prt_level>=9

r1774 | fairhead | 2013-06-18 14:02:30 +0200 (mar. 18 juin 2013) | 10 lignes

Initialisation de variables dans la convection



Missing initialisations in convection


r1772 | emillour | 2013-06-14 14:40:46 +0200 (ven. 14 juin 2013) | 5 lignes

Update makelmdz and maklmdz_fcm scripts to enable using various versions of the ORCHIDEE library (no equivalent update of makegcm since it is obsolescent and that makelmdz or makelmdz_fcm should be used instead).
Translated the help manual to English.

r1771 | fairhead | 2013-06-14 13:06:26 +0200 (ven. 14 juin 2013) | 4 lignes

IDL quirk

r1769 | fairhead | 2013-06-12 18:13:33 +0200 (mer. 12 juin 2013) | 7 lignes

Suite des modifications pour le 1D de la révision r1763


Follow-up to the 1D modifications of r1763

r1767 | fairhead | 2013-06-11 15:24:11 +0200 (mar. 11 juin 2013) | 7 lignes

Erreur de déclaration


Error in declaration

r1766 | fairhead | 2013-06-10 16:51:15 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2013) | 8 lignes

Correction pour éviter une division par zéro

Correction to avoid division by zero

r1765 | lguez | 2013-06-10 16:33:27 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2013) | 1 ligne

A tool to compare NetCDF files.
r1764 | fairhead | 2013-06-10 15:40:50 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2013) | 19 lignes

Inclusion d'une routine qui lit des champs d'aérosols stratosphériques 
mensuels, prescrit des propriétés optiques et modifie le rayonnement en 
conséquence. Pour le moment, seule l'interaction avec le rayonnement ondes 
courtes est pris en compte. Les fichiers d'input doivent être au format des 
fichiers de sortie. Contrôlé par la variable logique: flag_aerosol_strat 
(false par défaut dans DefLists/config.def)
O. Boucher


A new routine has been added to the code that reads in monthly stratospheric
aerosols, prescribes optical properties and modifies radiation accordingly.
Presently, only the interaction with short wave radiation is taken into account.
Input files must be formatted as are the aerosol output fields. Control is by
the logical flag: flag_aerosol_strat (which is false by default and included
O. Boucher

r1763 | fairhead | 2013-06-04 12:47:19 +0200 (mar. 04 juin 2013) | 9 lignes

In 1DUTILS.h disvert renamed disvert0.
There are now 2 routines to get a vertical grid: disvert0 or disvert (../dyn3d/disvert.F90).
The new flag ok_old_disvert allows the use of either disvert0 (ok_old_disvert=y) or disvert (ok_old_disvert=n)

In lmdz1d.F: rlat_rad and rlon_rad for coordinates in radians, cfdt ans sfdt concern the geostrophic wind

r1762 | fairhead | 2013-06-04 12:21:23 +0200 (mar. 04 juin 2013) | 10 lignes

Réorganisation des variables pour éviter des messages à la compilation


To suppress some compilation warning messages

r1761 | fairhead | 2013-06-04 12:11:38 +0200 (mar. 04 juin 2013) | 48 lignes

New version of Mellor et Yamada pronostic TKE

... based on energy transfer from the mean state.

The new version is yamada_c.
It must be called after vertical diffusion rather than just before
since the source terms u_z w'u' + v_z w'theta' and g/theta w'theta'
are diagnosed from the vertical diffusion (as energy loss from the mean
state) rather than computed as  K (u_z^2+v_z^2)  or g/\theta K theta_z
(where _z means vertical derivative).
The call to this version is controled by iflag_pbl.

iflag_pbl = 20 : with TKE computed at interfaces between layers
iflag_pbl = 25 : with TKE computed within the layer
In both cases, the dissipation of turbulence is translated into heat, and
passed to the physics as dtdiss (temperature tendency due to dissipation
 of TKE).

The diffusion coefficient being computed after dissipation, it must be
kept for diffusion at the next time step, and thus be stored in the
restartphy file.
This coefficient must be computed and stored for each sub-surface.

A new way of managing subsurface variables is introduced.
For arrays of the form X(:,nbsrf) are extented to X(:,nbsrf+1), where
is_ave=nbsrf+1, is an additional sub-surface which contains the averaged values.

coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 : change of flags.
ener_conserv.F90       : energy conservation must not be applied in those
indicesol.h            : definition of is_ave
pbl_surface_mod.F90    : call to yamada_c and changes in the management of
physiq.F               : Change in the initialisation of pmflxr/s and
                         modified calls to pbl_surface_mod (introduction
                         of dtdiss, initialisation
                         of pbl_tke and coefh in 1D).
phys_local_var_mod.F90 : declaration of d_t_diss
phys_output_mod.F90    : new outputs (bils_tke and bils_diss) and
phys_state_var_mod.F90 : modified declaration for coefh and coefm
                         (nbsrf -> nbsrf+1)


r1760 | musat | 2013-06-03 11:33:05 +0200 (lun. 03 juin 2013) | 3 lignes

Add missing SAVE attribute for pref

r1759 | emillour | 2013-05-24 11:52:12 +0200 (ven. 24 mai 2013) | 3 lignes

IOIPSL routine getin is not threadsafe, so when running in OpenMP, it should be called by only one thread (and the result copied to other threads in the case of threadprivate variables).

r1758 | emillour | 2013-05-16 14:53:13 +0200 (jeu. 16 mai 2013) | 3 lignes

These arrays should be THREADPRIVATE (for OpenMP).

r1757 | emillour | 2013-05-16 12:40:53 +0200 (jeu. 16 mai 2013) | 3 lignes

Reinstate the addition of fcm_path to PATH because it is needed for called subprocesses (which use fcm).

r1756 | lguez | 2013-05-15 17:17:35 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2013) | 5 lignes

Set at link-time the run-time path of the NetCDF and HDF dynamic
libraries. This enforces consistency with the libraries used for
compilation. Modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH at run time is no longer

r1755 | emillour | 2013-05-15 15:00:59 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2013) | 5 lignes

Updates wich had been made on 'testing' branch (r1752) instead of trunk:
Add better handling of fcm path from makelmdz_fcm script to build_gcm script; and some translation of output messages to English.

r1754 | idelkadi | 2013-05-13 14:56:05 +0200 (lun. 13 mai 2013) | 5 lignes

New routin added for energy conservation 
--Cettg ligne, et les suivantes ci-dessous, seront ignorées--

A    phylmd/ener_conserv.F90

r1753 | idelkadi | 2013-05-13 14:53:28 +0200 (lun. 13 mai 2013) | 25 lignes

Concerns energy conservation.
The source terms of the TKE prognostic equation are diagnosed
from the tendencies (du, dv, dT) associated with subrgrid scale
motions and treated as an additional heat source.
Controled by a new key, iflag_ener_conserv :
   0   no conservation
  -1   old adhoc correction for kinetic E only (used for CMIP5)
   1   conservation
   101 conversion from kinetic to heat only
   110 conversion from potential to heat only
iflag_ener_conserv=-1 kept as default value for a test period
iflag_ener_conserv=1  is the advisable value
Concerns clesphys.h, and conf_phys.F90
New routine : ener_conserv.F90, called by physic.
New outputs :
bils_ec, contribution to the energy budget of the column of the
   additional heat source (in W/m2)
bils_kinetic : change kinetic energy of the column in physics (W/m2)
bils_enthalp : idem for the total column enthalphy
bils_latent  : idem for latent heat
Modified files : clesphys.h, conf_phys_m.F90, physiq.F,
     phys_output_mod.F90, phys_output_var_mod.F90, phys_output_write.h,

r1751 | lguez | 2013-04-26 17:10:20 +0200 (ven. 26 avril 2013) | 1 ligne

"-auto" reduces virtual memory.
r1749 | emillour | 2013-04-25 16:07:07 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2013) | 8 lignes

Added handling of Newtonian (and Shallow Water) modes in dyn3dmem:
- adapted calfis_loc.F and gcm.F
- removed unused routines divgrad_p.F and gradiv_p.F
- adapted iniacademic.F90 and sw_case_williamson.F to work in parallel and renamed them iniacademi_loc.F90 and sw_case_williamson_loc.F
- fixed bug in exner_milieu_loc.F (filtreg_p form mod_filtreg_p should be used)

r1748 | emillour | 2013-04-24 16:18:40 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2013) | 3 lignes

OMP CRITICAL name must be between brackets (ifort specific?) or else compilation fails in OpenMP mode. Moreover it is recommended to use different names for different OMP CRITICAL sections.

r1747 | lguez | 2013-04-23 16:06:30 +0200 (mar. 23 avril 2013) | 1 ligne

When an MPI process is stopped by a Fortran stop, other MPI processes may not stop. Use mpi_abort instead.
r1746 | idelkadi | 2013-04-19 15:46:37 +0200 (ven. 19 avril 2013) | 2 lignes

Correction de bug sur le calcul de l'eau condensee dans fisrtilp.F90