Venue: UFR conference room, corridor 46-56, 2nd floor
Monday 5th of december
9:00 Welcome and introduction (M-P Lefebvre)
9:30 General presentation to LMDZ (F Hourdin)
10:15 Code structure, compîlation (L Fairhead, D Cugnet)
10:45 Students presentation & Tutorial N°1 (Install.sh)
11:15 Coffee break
11:35 Output (L.Fairhead)
12:10 Tutorial N°1, 2nd part: output, rerun the model
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Svn, how to compile the model (L.Fairhead & D.Cugnet)
14:45 End of tutorial N°1, different versions of the model, aquaplanet
Tuesday 6th of december
9:00 Model physics (M. Bonazzola, J.-Y. Grandpeix & J.-B. Madeleine), including hands-on tutorial
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Aerosols, Configurations/ input files/ forcings (O.Boucher, L.Guez)
11:40 LMDZ1D (M.-P. Lefebvre)
12:10 End of tutorial n°1, discussion and questions
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Atmosphere/surface interface (J-L Dufresne)
15:10 Parallelism (L.Fita)
15:40 Thematic tutorials: zooming, nudging, tracers, Orchidee, XIOS, parallelism, 1D
Wednesday 7th december
9:00 Dynamics : grid/temporal discretization /stability/diffusion (E.Millour)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:50 Clouds (J.-B. Madeleine)
11:35 On the use of LMDZ, reference configurations and tuning (F. Hourdin)
12:35 Lunch
14:00 Tutorials (end)