
! This is a script for Ferret.

! Author: Lionel GUEZ

! This script visualizes data from the file "" or
! "". It reshapes NetCDF variables from the "physics" grid
! to the "dynamics" grid. You have to provide the value of iim.

use limit
let iim = 16 ! modify according to your input file
let klon = `FOCE, RETURN=IEND`
let jjm = (klon - 2) / iim + 1
let dyn_grid= x[gx=1:`iim`:1] + y[gy=1:`jjm-1`:1]
use startphy
set region/l=1/i=2:`klon-1`
shade reshape(sst[d=1], dyn_grid), reshape(longitude, dyn_grid), \
reshape(latitude, dyn_grid)
go land