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<field_group id="Dynamique"> <field id="CMIP6_epfy" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar DAMIP VolMIP DCPP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m3 s-2) northward_eliassen_palm_flux_in_air : Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fy of Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3a of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2. --> <field id="CMIP6_epfz" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar DAMIP VolMIP DCPP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m3 s-2) upward_eliassen_palm_flux_in_air : Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fz of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3b of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2. --> <field id="CMIP6_intuadse" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (1.e6 J m-1 s-1) vertical_integral_eastward_wind_by_dry_static_energy : Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per unit mass: (cp.T +zg).u --> <field id="CMIP6_intuaw" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-1 s-1) vertical_integral_eastward_wind_by_total_water : Used in PMIP2 --> <field id="CMIP6_intvadse" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (1.e6 J m-1 s-1) vertical_integral_northward_wind_by_dry_static_energy : Used in PMIP2 --> <field id="CMIP6_intvaw" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-1 s-1) vertical_integral_northward_wind_by_total_water : Used in PMIP2 --> <field id="CMIP6_psitem" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (kg s^-1) meridional_streamfunction_transformed_eulerian_mean : Residual mass streamfunction, computed from vstar and integrated from the top of the atmosphere (on the native model grid). Reference: Andrews et al (1987): Middle Atmospheric Dynamics. Academic Press. --> <field id="CMIP6_rv" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="VolMIP CMIP HighResMIP AerChemMIP VIACSAB DCPP" /> <!-- P1 (s-1) atmosphere_relative_vorticity : Relative Vorticity at 850 hPa --> <field id="CMIP6_utendepfd" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar DAMIP VolMIP DCPP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m s-2) tendency_of_eastward_wind_due_to_eliassen_palm_flux_divergence : Tendency of the zonal mean zonal wind due to the divergence of the Eliassen-Palm flux. --> <field id="CMIP6_utendvtem" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar" /> <!-- P1 (m s-1 d-1) u-tendency_by_wstar_advection : Tendency of zonally averaged eastward wind, by the residual upward wind advection (on the native model grid). Reference: Andrews et al (1987): Middle Atmospheric Dynamics. Academic Press. --> <field id="CMIP6_utendwtem" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar" /> <!-- P1 (m s-1 d-1) u-tendency_by_vstar_advection : Tendency of zonally averaged eastward wind, by the residual northward wind advection (on the native model grid). Reference: Andrews et al (1987): Middle Atmospheric Dynamics. Academic Press. --> <field id="CMIP6_vortmean" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (s-1) atmosphere_relative_vorticity : Mean vorticity over 850,700,600 hPa --> <field id="CMIP6_vtem" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar DAMIP VolMIP DCPP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m s-1) northward_transformed_eulerian_mean_air_velocity : Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics v*, meridional component of the residual meridional circulation (v*, w*) derived from 6 hr or higher frequency data fields (use instantaneous daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr data are not available). --> <field id="CMIP6_wtem" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="DynVar DAMIP VolMIP DCPP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m s-1) unset : Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics w*, meridional component of the residual meridional circulation (v*, w*) derived from 6 hr or higher frequency data fields (use instantaneous daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr data are not available). Scale height: 6950 m --> </field_group> <field_group id="Dynamique/Physique"> <field id="CMIP6_tauupbl" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="DynVar" /> <!-- P1 (Pa) surface_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_planetary_boundary_layer : The downward eastward stress associated with the models parameterization of the planetary boundary layer. (This request is related to a WGNE effort to understand how models parameterize the surface stresses.) --> <field id="CMIP6_tauvpbl" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="DynVar" /> <!-- P1 (Pa) surface_downward_northward_stress_due_to_planetary_boundary_layer : The downward northward stress associated with the models parameterization of the planetary boundary layer. (This request is related to a WGNE effort to understand how models parameterize the surface stresses.) --> <field id="CMIP6_tntnogw" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="VolMIP DynVar" /> <!-- P2 (K s-1) temperature_tendency_due_to_dissipation_nonorographic_gravity_wave_drag : Temperature tendency due to dissipation of parameterized nonorographic gravity waves. --> <field id="CMIP6_uqint" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) integral_of_product_of_eastward_wind_and_specific_humidity_wrt_height : Column integrated eastward wind times specific humidity --> <field id="CMIP6_vqint" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m2 s-1) integral_of_product_of_northward_wind_and_specific_humidity_wrt_height : Column integrated northward wind times specific humidity --> <field id="CMIP6_wbptemp" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (K) wet_bulb_potential_temperature : Wet bulb potential temperature --> </field_group> <field_group id="Nuages"> <field id="CMIP6_ccldncl" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water_particles_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top : Droplets are liquid only. Report concentration 'as seen from space' over convective liquid cloudy portion of grid cell. This is the value from uppermost model layer with liquid cloud or, if available, it is better to sum over all liquid cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total liquid cloud top fraction of (as seen from TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean. --> <field id="CMIP6_cldnci" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="GeoMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_in_air_at_ice_cloud_top : Concentration 'as seen from space' over ice-cloud portion of grid cell. This is the value from uppermost model layer with ice cloud or, if available, it is the sum over all ice cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total ice cloud top fraction (as seen from TOA) of each time sample when computing monthly mean. --> <field id="CMIP6_clivic" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2) atmosphere_convective_cloud_ice_content : calculate mass of convective ice water in the column divided by the area of the column (not just the area of the cloudy portion of the column). This includes precipitating frozen hydrometeors ONLY if the precipitating hydrometeors affect the calculation of radiative transfer in model. --> <field id="CMIP6_cls" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP AerChemMIP PMIP GeoMIP HighResMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (%) stratiform_cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer : unset --> <field id="CMIP6_clwvic" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="HighResMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (kg m-2) atmosphere_convective_cloud_condensed_water_content : calculate mass of convective condensed (liquid + ice) water in the column divided by the area of the column (not just the area of the cloudy portion of the column). This includes precipitating hydrometeors ONLY if the precipitating hydrometeors affect the calculation of radiative transfer in model. --> <field id="CMIP6_demc" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) convective_cloud_longwave_emissivity : This is the in-cloud emissivity obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell. --> <field id="CMIP6_dems" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (1.0) stratiform_cloud_longwave_emissivity : This is the in-cloud emissivity obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell. --> <field id="CMIP6_dtauc" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="HighResMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P3 (1.0) atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_convective_cloud : This is the in-cloud optical depth obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell --> <field id="CMIP6_dtaus" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="HighResMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P3 (1.0) atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_stratiform_cloud : This is the in-cloud optical depth obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell. --> <field id="CMIP6_reffgrpls" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (m) effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_graupel_particle : This is defined as the in-cloud ratio of the third moment over the second moment of the particle size distribution (obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell). --> <field id="CMIP6_reffrainc" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (m) effective_radius_of_convective_cloud_rain_particle : This is defined as the in-cloud ratio of the third moment over the second moment of the particle size distribution (obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell). --> <field id="CMIP6_reffrains" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (m) effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_rain_particle : This is defined as the in-cloud ratio of the third moment over the second moment of the particle size distribution (obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell). --> <field id="CMIP6_reffsnowc" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (m) effective_radius_of_convective_cloud_snow_particle : This is defined as the in-cloud ratio of the third moment over the second moment of the particle size distribution (obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell). --> <field id="CMIP6_reffsnows" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P2 (m) effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_snow_particle : This is defined as the in-cloud ratio of the third moment over the second moment of the particle size distribution (obtained by considering only the cloudy portion of the grid cell). --> <field id="CMIP6_scldncl" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (m-3) number_concentration_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_particles_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top : Droplets are liquid only. Report concentration "as seen from space" over stratiform liquid cloudy portion of grid cell. This is the value from uppermost model layer with liquid cloud or, if available, it is better to sum over all liquid cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere. Weight by total liquid cloud top fraction of (as seen from TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean. --> <field id="CMIP6_tntscp" field_ref="dummy_XYA" MIPS="VolMIP DynVar CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (K s-1) tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_clouds_and_precipitation : Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation --> </field_group> <field_group id="Convection"> <field id="CMIP6_columnmassflux" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="HighResMIP" /> <!-- P2 (kg m-2 s-1) atmosphere_net_upward_convective_mass_flux : Column integral of (mcu-mcd) --> </field_group> <field_group id="Rayonnement"> <field id="CMIP6_lwsffluxaero" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="VolMIP" /> <!-- P2 (W m-2) longwave__flux__due_to_volcanic_aerosols_at_the_surface : downwelling longwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at the surface to be diagnosed through double radiation call --> <field id="CMIP6_lwsrfasdust" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_dust : Balkanski - LSCE --> <field id="CMIP6_lwsrfcsdust" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_dust_in_clearsky : Balkanski - LSCE --> <field id="CMIP6_lwtoaasdust" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing : proposed name: toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol --> <field id="CMIP6_lwtoacsdust" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="PMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_dust_in_clearsky : Balkanski - LSCE --> <field id="CMIP6_lwtoafluxaerocs" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="VolMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) longwave_flux_due_to_volcanic_aerosols_at_TOA_under_clear_sky : downwelling longwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at TOA under clear sky to be diagnosed through double radiation call --> <field id="CMIP6_rsdscsdiff" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="GeoMIP CFMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky : unset --> <field id="CMIP6_rsdsdiff" field_ref="dummy_XY" MIPS="GeoMIP CFMIP VIACSAB CMIP HighResMIP" /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) surface_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air : unset --> </field_group>