
Compte rendu du poihl du 15/1/2018

Durée : 1h35

Consolidation LMDZ6 :

Date butoir absolue du lancement des somulations : semaine du 5 février;
     Data request terminée / évaluée.

Plantage/1+1=2/reproductibulité :
     Plantage dans une 4 CO2 dans une pi Controle Split D. Marie-Alice sort les points de plantage. Reste difficile.
     Oscillations températures sur les plateau des calottes.

     Plantage splitD : fin avril sur les grandes plaines.

     Le schéma convectif fait du 4000 K / jour mais ca récupère.
         Puis pbl_surface fait de l'eau négative.
         Puis tout à plantage tout à fait en bas.
         Flux de surface délirant.

     Les corrections faites pour les traceurs mais qui changent les sorties ne sont pas dans le code.

     Idée d'appeller la convection tous les pas de temps si tendances convectives trop fortes.

     Mettre des SAVE sur les variables nuageuses associées à la convection.

     Le plantage permet de passer avec un day_step à 960 plutôt que 672.

     Vérifier à quel point le tuning change en appelant la convection tous les pas de temps.

Passage à la 6014 :
    Trois versions en machine : ttop, split-D et splith
    On va tester une splith avec une convection dans la banquise boostée et un albédo un peu plus  faible.
    Enorme variabilité décennales.

Veut on des sorties additionnels à CMIP autres que histmth (ale, cycle diurne ...)
   Faire un ncdump sur histmth d'Abderrahmane et faire des coupures en direct.

Problèmes grille zoomée :
  Plantages de grilles
  Centre du zoom pas là où on veut.

Contrôle des sources :
Jean-Yves a refait tourné son (super) script.
Regarder s'il reste des choses embêtantes.
Ionela va regarder les variables autres que l'ozone dans physiq_mod.F90

Préparation des configs :

Data request (responsable Laurent et Sandrine)
333 demandées, 79 qu'on ne fournira pas  51 qui restent à trouver.
Le gros est sans doute la partie dynamique :
    Ajouter XIOS dans la dynamique.
    Ne sera sans doute pas près pour le départ des simulations.
    Mais pas forcément grave.
sorties cosp : les dernières sorties ne sortent pas.
    Abderrahmane est dessus.
    Gestion des flags de sortie.

Liste des variables dans un histmth niveau 10: Simulation 6012split d'Abderrahmane
        lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
        lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
        R_ecc:long_name = "R_ecc" ;
        time_instant:long_name = "Time axis" ;
        R_peri:long_name = "R_peri" ;
        R_incl:long_name = "R_incl" ;
        solaire:long_name = "solaire" ;
        rsun1:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 1" ;
        rsun2:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 2" ;
        rsun3:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 3" ;
        rsun4:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 4" ;
        rsun5:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 5" ;
        rsun6:long_name = "Fraction constante solaire bande 6" ;
        co2_ppm:long_name = "co2_ppm" ;
        CH4_ppb:long_name = "CH4_ppb" ;
        N2O_ppb:long_name = "N2O_ppb" ;
        CFC11_ppt:long_name = "CFC11_ppt" ;
        CFC12_ppt:long_name = "CFC12_ppt" ;
        phis:long_name = "Surface geop.height" ;
        time_centered:long_name = "Time axis" ;
        aire:long_name = "Grid area" ;
        flat:long_name = "Latent heat flux" ;
        slp:long_name = "Sea Level Pressure" ;
        ptstar:long_name = "Air Surface Temperature" ;
        pt0:long_name = "Standard Air Surface Temperature" ;
        tsol:long_name = "Surface Temperature" ;
        t2m:long_name = "Temperature 2m" ;
        ave_t2m_daily_min:long_name = "Temp 2m min" ;
        ave_t2m_daily_max:long_name = "Temp 2m max" ;
        gusts:long_name = "surface gustiness" ;
        wind10m:long_name = "10-m wind speed" ;
        sicf:long_name = "Sea-ice fraction" ;
        q2m:long_name = "Specific humidity 2m" ;
        ustar:long_name = "Friction velocity" ;
        u10m:long_name = "Vent zonal 10m" ;
        v10m:long_name = "Vent meridien 10m" ;
        psol:long_name = "Surface Pressure" ;
        qsurf:long_name = "Surface Air humidity" ;
        wstar:long_name = "w* convective velocity " ;
        qsol:long_name = "Soil watter content" ;
        ndayrain:long_name = "Number of dayrain(liq+sol)" ;
        precip:long_name = "Precip Totale liq+sol" ;
        plul:long_name = "Large-scale Precip." ;
        plun:long_name = "Numerical Precip." ;
        pluc:long_name = "Convective Precip." ;
        snow:long_name = "Snow fall" ;
        evap:long_name = "Evaporat" ;
        evap_ter:long_name = "evaporation at surface ter" ;
        evap_lic:long_name = "evaporation at surface lic" ;
        evap_oce:long_name = "evaporation at surface oce" ;
        evap_sic:long_name = "evaporation at surface sic" ;
        msnow:long_name = "Surface snow amount" ;
        fsnow:long_name = "Surface snow area fraction" ;
        tops:long_name = "Solar rad. at TOA" ;
        tops0:long_name = "CS Solar rad. at TOA" ;
        topl:long_name = "IR rad. at TOA" ;
        topl0:long_name = "IR rad. at TOA" ;
        SWupTOA:long_name = "SWup at TOA" ;
        SWupTOAclr:long_name = "SWup clear sky at TOA" ;
        SWdnTOA:long_name = "SWdn at TOA" ;
        SWdnTOAclr:long_name = "SWdn clear sky at TOA" ;
        nettop:long_name = "Net dn radiatif flux at TOA" ;
        SWup200:long_name = "SWup at 200mb" ;
        SWdn200:long_name = "SWdn at 200mb" ;
        LWup200:long_name = "LWup at 200mb" ;
        LWup200clr:long_name = "LWup clear sky at 200mb" ;
        LWdn200:long_name = "LWdn at 200mb" ;
        LWdn200clr:long_name = "LWdn clear sky at 200mb" ;
        sols:long_name = "Solar rad. at surf." ;
        sols0:long_name = "Solar rad. at surf." ;
        soll:long_name = "IR rad. at surface" ;
        soll0:long_name = "IR rad. at surface" ;
        radsol:long_name = "Rayonnement au sol" ;
        SWupSFC:long_name = "SWup at surface" ;
        SWupSFCclr:long_name = "SWup clear sky at surface" ;
        SWdnSFC:long_name = "SWdn at surface" ;
        SWdnSFCclr:long_name = "SWdn clear sky at surface" ;
        LWupSFC:long_name = "Upwd. IR rad. at surface" ;
        LWupSFCclr:long_name = "CS Upwd. IR rad. at surface" ;
        LWdnSFC:long_name = "Down. IR rad. at surface" ;
        LWdnSFCclr:long_name = "Down. CS IR rad. at surface" ;
        bils:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_tke:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_diss:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_ec:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_kinetic:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_enthalp:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        bils_latent:long_name = "Surf. total heat flux" ;
        sens:long_name = "Sensible heat flux" ;
        fder:long_name = "Heat flux derivation" ;
        ffonte:long_name = "Thermal flux for snow melting" ;
        fqcalving:long_name = "Ice Calving" ;
        fqfonte:long_name = "Land ice melt" ;
        runofflic:long_name = "Land ice melt to ocean" ;
        taux:long_name = "Zonal wind stress" ;
        tauy:long_name = "Meridional wind stress" ;
        taux_ter:long_name = "Zonal wind stress ter" ;
        taux_lic:long_name = "Zonal wind stress lic" ;
        taux_oce:long_name = "Zonal wind stress oce" ;
        taux_sic:long_name = "Zonal wind stress sic" ;
        tauy_ter:long_name = "Meridional wind stress ter" ;
        tauy_lic:long_name = "Meridional wind stress lic" ;
        tauy_oce:long_name = "Meridional wind stress oce" ;
        tauy_sic:long_name = "Meridional wind stress sic" ;
        pourc_ter:long_name = "% ter" ;
        pourc_lic:long_name = "% lic" ;
        pourc_oce:long_name = "% oce" ;
        pourc_sic:long_name = "% sic" ;
        fract_ter:long_name = "Fraction ter" ;
        fract_lic:long_name = "Fraction lic" ;
        fract_oce:long_name = "Fraction oce" ;
        fract_sic:long_name = "Fraction sic" ;
        tsol_ter:long_name = "Temperature ter" ;
        tsol_lic:long_name = "Temperature lic" ;
        tsol_oce:long_name = "Temperature oce" ;
        tsol_sic:long_name = "Temperature sic" ;
        evappot_ter:long_name = "Temperature ter" ;
        evappot_lic:long_name = "Temperature lic" ;
        evappot_oce:long_name = "Temperature oce" ;
        evappot_sic:long_name = "Temperature sic" ;
        sens_ter:long_name = "Sensible heat flux ter" ;
        sens_lic:long_name = "Sensible heat flux lic" ;
        sens_oce:long_name = "Sensible heat flux oce" ;
        sens_sic:long_name = "Sensible heat flux sic" ;
        lat_ter:long_name = "Latent heat flux ter" ;
        lat_lic:long_name = "Latent heat flux lic" ;
        lat_oce:long_name = "Latent heat flux oce" ;
        lat_sic:long_name = "Latent heat flux sic" ;
        flw_ter:long_name = "LW ter" ;
        flw_lic:long_name = "LW lic" ;
        flw_oce:long_name = "LW oce" ;
        flw_sic:long_name = "LW sic" ;
        fsw_ter:long_name = "SW ter" ;
        fsw_lic:long_name = "SW lic" ;
        fsw_oce:long_name = "SW oce" ;
        fsw_sic:long_name = "SW sic" ;
        wbils_ter:long_name = "Bilan sol ter" ;
        wbils_lic:long_name = "Bilan sol lic" ;
        wbils_oce:long_name = "Bilan sol oce" ;
        wbils_sic:long_name = "Bilan sol sic" ;
        wbilo_ter:long_name = "Bilan eau ter" ;
        wbilo_lic:long_name = "Bilan eau lic" ;
        wbilo_oce:long_name = "Bilan eau oce" ;
        wbilo_sic:long_name = "Bilan eau sic" ;
        wevap_ter:long_name = "Evap eau ter" ;
        wevap_lic:long_name = "Evap eau lic" ;
        wevap_oce:long_name = "Evap eau oce" ;
        wevap_sic:long_name = "Evap eau sic" ;
        wrain_ter:long_name = "Pluie eau ter" ;
        wrain_lic:long_name = "Pluie eau lic" ;
        wrain_oce:long_name = "Pluie eau oce" ;
        wrain_sic:long_name = "Pluie eau sic" ;
        wsnow_ter:long_name = "Neige eau ter" ;
        wsnow_lic:long_name = "Neige eau lic" ;
        wsnow_oce:long_name = "Neige eau oce" ;
        wsnow_sic:long_name = "Neige eau sic" ;
        cdrm:long_name = "Momentum drag coef." ;
        cdrh:long_name = "Heat drag coef." ;
        cldl:long_name = "Low-level cloudiness" ;
        cldm:long_name = "Mid-level cloudiness" ;
        cldh:long_name = "High-level cloudiness" ;
        cldt:long_name = "Total cloudiness" ;
        cldq:long_name = "Cloud liquid water path" ;
        lwp:long_name = "Cloud water path" ;
        iwp:long_name = "Cloud ice water path" ;
        ue:long_name = "Zonal energy transport" ;
        ve:long_name = "Merid energy transport" ;
        uq:long_name = "Zonal humidity transport" ;
        vq:long_name = "Merid humidity transport" ;
        cape:long_name = "Conv avlbl pot ener" ;
        pbase:long_name = "Cld base pressure" ;
        ptop:long_name = "Cld top pressure" ;
        fbase:long_name = "Cld base mass flux" ;
        plfc:long_name = "Level of Free Convection" ;
        wbeff:long_name = "Conv. updraft velocity at LFC (inf100)" ;
        prw:long_name = "Precipitable water" ;
        prlw:long_name = "Precipitable liquid water" ;
        prsw:long_name = "Precipitable solid water" ;
        s_pblh:long_name = "Boundary Layer Height" ;
        s_pblt:long_name = "t at Boundary Layer Height" ;
        s_lcl:long_name = "Condensation level" ;
        s_therm:long_name = "Exces du thermique" ;
        slab_bils_oce:long_name = "Bilan au sol sur ocean slab" ;
        ale_bl:long_name = "ALE BL" ;
        alp_bl:long_name = "ALP BL" ;
        ale_wk:long_name = "ALE WK" ;
        alp_wk:long_name = "ALP WK" ;
        ale:long_name = "ALE" ;
        alp:long_name = "ALP" ;
        cin:long_name = "Convective INhibition" ;
        wape:long_name = "-" ;
        n2:long_name = "Nombre de panaches de type 2" ;
        s2:long_name = "Surface moyenne des panaches de type 2" ;
        proba_notrig:long_name = "Probabilite de non-declenchement" ;
        random_notrig:long_name = "Tirage aleatoire de non-declenchement" ;
        ale_bl_stat:long_name = "ALE_BL_STAT" ;
        ale_bl_trig:long_name = "ALE_BL_STAT + Condition P>Pseuil" ;
        alp_bl_det:long_name = "ALP_BL_DET" ;
        alp_bl_fluct_m:long_name = "ALP_BL_FLUCT_M" ;
        alp_bl_fluct_tke:long_name = "ALP_BL_FLUCT_TKE" ;
        alp_bl_conv:long_name = "ALP_BL_CONV" ;
        alp_bl_stat:long_name = "ALP_BL_STAT" ;
        colO3_strat:long_name = "Ozone stratospheric column" ;
        colO3_trop:long_name = "Ozone tropospheric column" ;
        t_oce_sic:long_name = "Temp mixte oce-sic" ;
        rh2m:long_name = "Relative humidity at 2m" ;
        tke:long_name = "TKE" ;
        topswad:long_name = "ADE at TOA" ;
        topswad0:long_name = "ADE clear-sky at TOA" ;
        topswai:long_name = "AIE at TOA" ;
        solswad:long_name = "ADE at SRF" ;
        solswad0:long_name = "ADE clear-sky at SRF" ;
        solswai:long_name = "AIE at SFR" ;
        toplwad:long_name = "LW-ADE at TOA" ;
        toplwad0:long_name = "LW-ADE clear-sky at TOA" ;
        toplwai:long_name = "LW-AIE clear-sky at TOA" ;
        sollwad:long_name = "LW-ADE at SRF" ;
        sollwad0:long_name = "LW-ADE clear-sky at SRF" ;
        sollwai:long_name = "LW-AIE at SRF" ;
        od550_ASBCM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_ASPOMM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_ASSO4M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_CSSO4M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_SSSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_ASSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_CSSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_CIDUSTM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_AIBCM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_AIPOMM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_ASNO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_CSNO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_CINO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550_STRAT:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_ASBCM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_ASPOMM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_ASSO4M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_CSSO4M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_SSSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_ASSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_CSSSM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_CIDUSTM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_AIBCM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_AIPOMM:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_ASNO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_CSNO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        dryod550_CINO3M:long_name = "Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm " ;
        od550aer:long_name = "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm" ;
        dryod550aer:long_name = "Total dry aerosol optical depth at 550nm" ;
        od865aer:long_name = "Total aerosol optical depth at 870nm" ;
        abs550aer:long_name = "Absorption aerosol optical depth at 550nm" ;
        od550lt1aer:long_name = "Fine mode optical depth" ;
        sconcso4:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Sulfate " ;
        sconcoa:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Organic Aerosol " ;
        sconcbc:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Black Carbon " ;
        sconcss:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Sea Salt " ;
        sconcdust:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Dust " ;
        sconcno3:long_name = "Surface Concentration of Nitrate " ;
        loadso4:long_name = "Column Load of Sulfate " ;
        loadoa:long_name = "Column Load of Organic Aerosol " ;
        loadbc:long_name = "Column Load of Black Carbon " ;
        loadss:long_name = "Column Load of Sea Salt " ;
        loaddust:long_name = "Column Load of Dust " ;
        loadno3:long_name = "Column Load of Nitrate " ;
        swtoaas_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" ;
        swsrfas_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" ;
        swtoacs_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" ;
        swsrfcs_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" ;
        swtoaas_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" ;
        swsrfas_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" ;
        swtoacs_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" ;
        swsrfcs_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" ;
        swtoacf_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" ;
        swsrfcf_nat:long_name = "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing  at SRF" ;
        swtoacf_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" ;
        swsrfcf_ant:long_name = "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF" ;
        swtoacf_zero:long_name = "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at TOA" ;
        swsrfcf_zero:long_name = "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at SRF" ;
        cldncl:long_name = "CDNC at top of liquid water cloud" ;
        reffclwtop:long_name = "Droplet effective radius at top of liquid water cloud" ;
        cldnvi:long_name = "Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number" ;
        lcc:long_name = "Cloud liquid fraction at top of cloud" ;
        wvapp:long_name = "-" ;
        ozone_daylight:long_name = "Daylight ozone mole fraction" ;
        albe_ter:long_name = "Albedo VIS surf. ter" ;
        albe_lic:long_name = "Albedo VIS surf. lic" ;
        albe_oce:long_name = "Albedo VIS surf. oce" ;
        albe_sic:long_name = "Albedo VIS surf. sic" ;
        ages_lic:long_name = "Snow age lic" ;
        ages_sic:long_name = "Snow age sic" ;
        snow_lic:long_name = "Snow" ;
        snow_sic:long_name = "Snow" ;
        rugs_ter:long_name = "Surface roughness ter" ;
        rugs_lic:long_name = "Surface roughness lic" ;
        rugs_oce:long_name = "Surface roughness oce" ;
        rugs_sic:long_name = "Surface roughness sic" ;
        z0m_ter:long_name = "roughness length, momentum ter" ;
        z0m_lic:long_name = "roughness length, momentum lic" ;
        z0m_oce:long_name = "roughness length, momentum oce" ;
        z0m_sic:long_name = "roughness length, momentum sic" ;
        z0h_ter:long_name = "roughness length, enthalpy ter" ;
        z0h_lic:long_name = "roughness length, enthalpy lic" ;
        z0h_oce:long_name = "roughness length, enthalpy oce" ;
        z0h_sic:long_name = "roughness length, enthalpy sic" ;
        alb1:long_name = "Surface VIS albedo" ;
        alb2:long_name = "Surface Near IR albedo" ;
        ftime_con:long_name = "Fraction of time convection Occurs" ;
        wake_h:long_name = "wake_h" ;
        wake_s:long_name = "wake_s" ;
        epmax:long_name = "epmax en fn cape" ;
        ftime_th:long_name = "Fraction of time Shallow convection occurs" ;
        f0_th:long_name = "Thermal closure mass flux" ;
        zmax_th:long_name = "Thermal plume height" ;
        rsut4co2:long_name = "TOA Out SW in 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rlut4co2:long_name = "TOA Out LW in 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rsutcs4co2:long_name = "TOA Out CS SW in 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rlutcs4co2:long_name = "TOA Out CS LW in 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        dqphy2d:long_name = "Physics dQ" ;
        dqlphy2d:long_name = "Physics dQL" ;
        dqsphy2d:long_name = "Physics dQS" ;
        dqdyn2d:long_name = "Dynamics dQ" ;
        dqldyn2d:long_name = "Dynamics dQL" ;
        dqsdyn2d:long_name = "Dynamics dQS" ;
        dqcon2d:long_name = "Convection dQ" ;
        dqwak2d:long_name = "Wake dQ" ;
        dqlsc2d:long_name = "Condensation dQ" ;
        dqvdf2d:long_name = "Boundary-layer dQ" ;
        dqeva2d:long_name = "Reevaporation dQ" ;
        dqthe2d:long_name = "Thermal dQ" ;
        dqajs2d:long_name = "Dry ajdust dQ" ;
        u850:long_name = "Zonal wind 850hPa" ;
        u700:long_name = "Zonal wind 700hPa" ;
        u500:long_name = "Zonal wind 500hPa" ;
        u200:long_name = "Zonal wind 200hPa" ;
        u100:long_name = "Zonal wind 100hPa" ;
        u50:long_name = "Zonal wind 50hPa" ;
        u10:long_name = "Zonal wind 10hPa" ;
        v850:long_name = "Meridional wind 850hPa" ;
        v700:long_name = "Meridional wind 700hPa" ;
        v500:long_name = "Meridional wind 500hPa" ;
        v200:long_name = "Meridional wind 200hPa" ;
        v100:long_name = "Meridional wind 100hPa" ;
        v50:long_name = "Meridional wind 50hPa" ;
        v10:long_name = "Meridional wind 10hPa" ;
        w850:long_name = "Vertical wind 850hPa" ;
        w700:long_name = "Vertical wind 700hPa" ;
        w500:long_name = "Vertical wind 500hPa" ;
        w200:long_name = "Vertical wind 200hPa" ;
        w100:long_name = "Vertical wind 100hPa" ;
        w50:long_name = "Vertical wind 50hPa" ;
        w10:long_name = "Vertical wind 10hPa" ;
        t850:long_name = "Temperature 850hPa" ;
        t700:long_name = "Temperature 700hPa" ;
        t500:long_name = "Temperature 500hPa" ;
        t200:long_name = "Temperature 200hPa" ;
        t100:long_name = "Temperature 100hPa" ;
        t50:long_name = "Temperature 50hPa" ;
        t10:long_name = "Temperature 10hPa" ;
        q850:long_name = "Specific humidity 850hPa" ;
        q700:long_name = "Specific humidity 700hPa" ;
        q500:long_name = "Specific humidity 500hPa" ;
        q200:long_name = "Specific humidity 200hPa" ;
        q100:long_name = "Specific humidity 100hPa" ;
        q50:long_name = "Specific humidity 50hPa" ;
        q10:long_name = "Specific humidity 10hPa" ;
        z850:long_name = "Geopotential height 850hPa" ;
        z700:long_name = "Geopotential height 700hPa" ;
        z500:long_name = "Geopotential height 500hPa" ;
        z200:long_name = "Geopotential height 200hPa" ;
        z100:long_name = "Geopotential height 100hPa" ;
        z50:long_name = "Geopotential height 50hPa" ;
        z10:long_name = "Geopotential height 10hPa" ;
        tke_max:long_name = "TKE max" ;
        concso4:long_name = "Concentration of Sulfate " ;
        concoa:long_name = "Concentration of Organic Aerosol " ;
        concbc:long_name = "Concentration of Black Carbon " ;
        concss:long_name = "Concentration of Sea Salt " ;
        concdust:long_name = "Concentration of Dust " ;
        concno3:long_name = "Concentration of Nitrate " ;
        ec550aer:long_name = "Extinction at 550nm" ;
        lwcon:long_name = "Cloud liquid water content" ;
        iwcon:long_name = "Cloud ice water content" ;
        temp:long_name = "Air temperature" ;
        theta:long_name = "Potential air temperature" ;
        ovap:long_name = "Specific humidity" ;
        ovapinit:long_name = "Specific humidity (begin of timestep)" ;
        oliq:long_name = "Liquid water" ;
        ocond:long_name = "Condensed water" ;
        geop:long_name = "Geopotential height" ;
        vitu:long_name = "Zonal wind" ;
        vitv:long_name = "Meridional wind" ;
        vitw:long_name = "Vertical wind" ;
        pres:long_name = "Air pressure" ;
        paprs:long_name = "Air pressure Inter-Couches" ;
        mass:long_name = "Masse Couches" ;
        zfull:long_name = "Altitude of full pressure levels" ;
        zhalf:long_name = "Altitude of half pressure levels" ;
        rneb:long_name = "Cloud fraction" ;
        rnebcon:long_name = "Convective Cloud Fraction" ;
        rnebls:long_name = "LS Cloud fraction" ;
        rneblsvol:long_name = "LS Cloud fraction by volume" ;
        rhum:long_name = "Relative humidity" ;
        ozone:long_name = "Ozone mole fraction" ;
        upwd:long_name = "saturated updraft" ;
        ep:long_name = "ep" ;
        duphy:long_name = "Physics du" ;
        dtphy:long_name = "Physics dT" ;
        dqphy:long_name = "Physics dQ" ;
        dqlphy:long_name = "Physics dQL" ;
        dqsphy:long_name = "Physics dQS" ;
        pr_con_l:long_name = "Convective precipitation lic" ;
        pr_con_i:long_name = "Convective precipitation ice" ;
        pr_lsc_l:long_name = "Large scale precipitation lic" ;
        pr_lsc_i:long_name = "Large scale precipitation ice" ;
        re:long_name = "Cloud droplet effective radius" ;
        fl:long_name = "Denominator of Cloud droplet effective radius" ;
        scdnc:long_name = "Cloud droplet number concentration" ;
        reffclws:long_name = "Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (aerosol diags.)" ;
        reffclwc:long_name = "Convective Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (aerosol diags.)" ;
        lcc3d:long_name = "Cloud liquid fraction" ;
        lcc3dcon:long_name = "Convective cloud liquid fraction" ;
        lcc3dstra:long_name = "Stratiform cloud liquid fraction" ;
        clwcon:long_name = "Convective Cloud Liquid water content" ;
        Ma:long_name = "undilute adiab updraft" ;
        dnwd:long_name = "saturated downdraft" ;
        dnwd0:long_name = "unsat. downdraft" ;
        mc:long_name = "Convective mass flux" ;
        dtdyn:long_name = "Dynamics dT" ;
        dqdyn:long_name = "Dynamics dQ" ;
        dqldyn:long_name = "Dynamics dQL" ;
        dqsdyn:long_name = "Dynamics dQS" ;
        dudyn:long_name = "Dynamics dU" ;
        dvdyn:long_name = "Dynamics dV" ;
        dtcon:long_name = "Convection dT" ;
        ducon:long_name = "Convection du" ;
        dvcon:long_name = "Convection dv" ;
        dqcon:long_name = "Convection dQ" ;
        dtwak:long_name = "Wake dT" ;
        dqwak:long_name = "Wake dQ" ;
        wake_deltat:long_name = "wake_deltat" ;
        wake_deltaq:long_name = "wake_deltaq" ;
        wake_omg:long_name = "wake_omg" ;
        wdtrainA:long_name = "precipitation from AA" ;
        wdtrainM:long_name = "precipitation from mixture" ;
        ftd:long_name = "tend temp due aux descentes precip" ;
        fqd:long_name = "tend vap eau due aux descentes precip" ;
        dtlsc:long_name = "Condensation dT" ;
        dtlschr:long_name = "Large-scale condensational heating rate" ;
        dqlsc:long_name = "Condensation dQ" ;
        beta_prec:long_name = "LS Conversion rate to prec" ;
        dtvdf:long_name = "Boundary-layer dT" ;
        dtdis:long_name = "TKE dissipation dT" ;
        dqvdf:long_name = "Boundary-layer dQ" ;
        dteva:long_name = "Reevaporation dT" ;
        dqeva:long_name = "Reevaporation dQ" ;
        ptconv:long_name = "POINTS CONVECTIFS" ;
        ratqs:long_name = "RATQS" ;
        dtthe:long_name = "Thermal dT" ;
        f_th:long_name = "Thermal plume mass flux" ;
        e_th:long_name = "Thermal plume entrainment" ;
        w_th:long_name = "Thermal plume vertical velocity" ;
        q_th:long_name = "Thermal plume total humidity" ;
        a_th:long_name = "Thermal plume fraction" ;
        s_th:long_name = "Thermal plume saturation deficit" ;
        s_env:long_name = "Environment saturation deficit" ;
        sigma_th:long_name = "Thermal plume gauss variance" ;
        sigma_env:long_name = "Environment gauss variance" ;
        d_th:long_name = "Thermal plume detrainment" ;
        dqthe:long_name = "Thermal dQ" ;
        dtajs:long_name = "Dry adjust. dT" ;
        dqajs:long_name = "Dry adjust. dQ" ;
        dtswr:long_name = "SW radiation dT" ;
        dtsw0:long_name = "CS SW radiation dT" ;
        dtlwr:long_name = "LW radiation dT" ;
        dtlw0:long_name = "CS LW radiation dT" ;
        dtec:long_name = "Cinetic dissip dT" ;
        duvdf:long_name = "Boundary-layer dU" ;
        dvvdf:long_name = "Boundary-layer dV" ;
        duoro:long_name = "Orography dU" ;
        dvoro:long_name = "Orography dV" ;
        dulif:long_name = "Orography dU" ;
        dvlif:long_name = "Orography dV" ;
        du_gwd_hines:long_name = "Hines GWD dU" ;
        dv_gwd_hines:long_name = "Hines GWD dV" ;
        du_gwd_front:long_name = "Fronts GWD dU" ;
        dv_gwd_front:long_name = "Fronts GWD dV" ;
        east_gwstress:long_name = "Eastward GW Stress" ;
        west_gwstress:long_name = "Westward GW Stress" ;
        dtoro:long_name = "Orography dT" ;
        dtlif:long_name = "Orography dT" ;
        dthin:long_name = "Hines GWD dT" ;
        tnt:long_name = "Tendency of air temperature" ;
        tntc:long_name = "Tendency of air temperature due to Moist Convection" ;
        tntr:long_name = "Air temperature tendency due to Radiative heating" ;
        tntscpbl:long_name = "Air temperature tendency due to St cloud and precipitation and BL mixing" ;
        tnhus:long_name = "Tendency of specific humidity" ;
        tnhusc:long_name = "Tendency of specific humidity due to convection" ;
        tnhusscpbl:long_name = "Tendency of Specific humidity due to ST cl, precip and BL mixing" ;
        evu:long_name = "Eddy viscosity coefficient for Momentum Variables" ;
        h2o:long_name = "Mass Fraction of Water" ;
        mcd:long_name = "Downdraft COnvective Mass Flux" ;
        dmc:long_name = "Deep COnvective Mass Flux" ;
        ref_liq:long_name = "Effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle" ;
        ref_ice:long_name = "Effective radius of startiform cloud ice particle" ;
        rsu4co2:long_name = "Upwelling SW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rlu4co2:long_name = "Upwelling LW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rsucs4co2:long_name = "Upwelling CS SW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rlucs4co2:long_name = "Upwelling CS LW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rsd4co2:long_name = "Downwelling SW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rld4co2:long_name = "Downwelling LW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rsdcs4co2:long_name = "Downwelling CS SW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;
        rldcs4co2:long_name = "Downwelling CS LW 4xCO2 atmosphere" ;

Le contrôles des sorties principales semble correct.

Articulation convection profonde / convection peu profonde
Faire le point sur ce qui est vraiment dans le code
* Splitting des poches : équations imprésentable
* Entrainement convectif / nouvel épluchage
* Tube dentifrice (à tester)
* Dyamique de population de poches
* gestion des précipitations

Evolution physique/versions futures :
Jean-Yves travaille sur le splitting : Jean-Yves fini la dérivation des équations  (inchangés ci-dessous)
* Jean-Yves, Jean-Philippe et Catherine pensent qu'il faut éliminer une
   partie des précipitations dans les ascendances adiabatiques.
* Eau avec source méthane
* sursaturation
* Augmentation de la résolution.
* grille plus groissère en bas pour la convection

Dynamico :
Stagiaire de M1 qui bossera avec Simon pour regarder les spectres des simulations.
Grand challenge sur Irene (remplacement de curie)
1/ simulation globales LMDZ à 50km, production highresMip
2/ Passage à 25km
3/ Passage à dynamico

Tuning automatique :
Frédéric continue à travailler sur les scripts R

Convergence 1D std / Dephy :
Marie-Pierre s'est remise sur les fichier de Fleur.
A modifié la création des outputs standard.

Publications :
Avancée sur stratocumulus et spliting (inchangé)
- Stratocumulus (Arnaud Jam)
     A récupéré les sorties d'Irina Sandu.
- Thermiques / stratocumulus / bords Est (Frédéric)
- Splitting (Jean-Yves)
- Couplage / Flux de surface / rafales (Traore)
- Tuning (Ionela/Frédéric)
- Articulation convection peu profonde / profonde ?

tickets trac :
#9      Modifications pour une dynamique commune (terre – planete)
#11     Menage sur les prints
#21     "day_ini" dans "create_etat0_limit" et "gcm"
#28     Initialisation problems in cloudth ?
#30     Pb valeurs nulles/non définies sur configs linux
#32     Concervation de la masse des traceurs dans la dynamique
#34     Calving faux en zoome
#44     getin_dump et name
#52     readchlorophyll en OpenMP?
#54     Erreur sur la vorticité en mode zoomé
#55     Constantes non uniformes dans le modèle
#56     Vérifier le calcul des nombres de jours de pluie
#61     Calendrier Consolidation
#62     Problème avec les variables SAVE dans yamada4?
#66     Sensibilité au pas de temps de la fermeture stochastique
#67     Traceurs et isotopes.
#70     Conservation de l'énergie avec l'eau
#71     Filtrage de la vorticité
#74     grossismx
#75     ppm3d non fonctionnel
#76     Sortie epmax
#77     Fréquence des fichiers aérosols
#82     Nouveau calcul de wind10m
#83     Mais où est donc passée la prise en compte de la ALP conditionnelle?
#84     Use getin_p instead of getin
#85     Rayonnement dans le 1D
#86     Get rid of stop commands in phylmd

A ouvrir :
cycle_diurne et iflag_cycle_diurne : la première est lue dans conf_phys
    et pas utilisée, la seconde en dur dans physiq_mod
deux routines cldrag. En enlever une ?
Positions des zooms qui font planter le modèle.

Formation LMDZ :
La moitié des réponses aux questionnaires :
Trop dur : physique du modèle, code managmement, parlallélisme
Fait/pas fait : tuto 1 et 2 faits. Les autres plus varialbes.
    Chaque option de tutorial optionnel (6) a été abordé par au moins 4 personnes.
Durée : OK
suggestion de mettre la formation LMDZ avant libigcm.

Tour de table :


Simulations LMDZOR-Inca pour voir ce que ça faisait pour des aérosols V2
Ca fait trop réglage.
Il faudra s'en souvenir quand on lancera un ESM.
Les save ne changent rien. Seule la remise à 0 change quelque chose.
Va faire un abrupt 4CO2 en sortant 2 points en latitude par 10 en longitude
Nos modèles : "c'est comme un tranpoline où t'es pas tout seul"

50 simulations de 1 ans : résultats identique.



Ne pas oublier les demandes Genci. Date limite le 8 février.
Désintégration du projet LMDZT.
Faire passer l'Afrique sur rlmd.
Contribuer à rlmd.
  * Antartique
  * Nuages hauts
  * Strato
  * Tuning automatique
  * Labex / reconstruction / couplage continents - atmosphere
Deande ada : changement de machine fin 2018.
   On demande des heures pour une machine qui n'existe pas.
   Info ferme dans 15jours.

Tests ancienne physique sur ada. Tout marche sauf XIOS à cause d'un
problème de reduce_domain. Problème de version XIOS ?


A des résultats bizares sur curie. Apparition de valeurs indéfinies partout.
Lié au nouveau compilateur ? Autre ? A voir avec Marie-Alice.


A contribué (avec Frédérique) a un projet franco-indien sur les couplages surface-atmosphère sur l'Inde.