Niveaux de sortie histmth

Validation des niveaux de sorties histmth LMDZ


On a décidé de prendre

  • le niveau 5 comme niveau de sortie standard pour les expériences 'CMIP'
  • un niveau 7 avec lequel on ferait certaines expériences ou intervalles de temps de certaines expériences 'CMIP' pour avoir un peu plus de détails (DECK ou CFMIP)
  • niveau 9 pour des études détaillées
  • niveau 11 pour les variables qu'on veut éviter de sortir


Légende couleur

   0d    2d    3d
Variable long_name ping Monitoring ATLAS TS lmdz.card Niveau par défaut (file_histmth.xml) Niveau à prendre
io_lon   X       1  
io_lat   X       1  
Ahyb   X       1  
Ahyb_inter   X       1  
Bhyb   X       1  
Bhyb_inter   X       1  
R_ecc R_ecc   X   X 1  1
R_peri R_peri   X   X 1  1
R_incl R_incl   X   X 1  1
solaire solaire   X   X 1  1
rsun1 Fraction constante solaire bande 1   X   X 1  1
rsun2 Fraction constante solaire bande 2         1  
rsun3 Fraction constante solaire bande 3         1  
rsun4 Fraction constante solaire bande 4         1  
rsun5 Fraction constante solaire bande 5         1  
rsun6 Fraction constante solaire bande 6         1  
co2_ppm co2_ppm   X   X 1  1
CH4_ppb CH4_ppb X X   X 1  1
N2O_ppb N2O_ppb X X   X 1  1
CFC11_ppt CFC11_ppt X X   X 1  1
CFC12_ppt CFC12_ppt X X   X 1  1
phis Surface geop.height         1  
aire Grid area X X   X 1  1
contfracATM % sfce ter+lic         10  
contfracOR % sfce terre OR         10  
flat Latent heat flux X X   X 5  5
slp Sea Level Pressure X     X 1  
sza Solar zenithal angle X       1  
ptstar Air Surface Temperature         1  
pt0 Standard Air Surface Temperature         1  
tsol Surface Temperature X X X X 1  1
t2m Temperature 2m X X X X 1  1
t2m_ter Temp 2m ter         10  
t2m_lic Temp 2m lic         10  
t2m_oce Temp 2m oce         10  
t2m_sic Temp 2m sic         10  
treedrg_ter tree drag profile ter         10  
treedrg_lic tree drag profile ter         10  
treedrg_oce tree drag profile ter         10  
treedrg_sic tree drag profile ter         10  
gusts surface gustiness         1  
wind10m 10-m wind speed X     X 1  
wind10max 10m wind speed max         10  
sicf Sea-ice fraction       X 1  
q2m Specific humidity 2m X     X 1  
ustar Friction velocity         1  
u10m Vent zonal 10m X     X 1  
v10m Vent meridien 10m X     X 1  
psol Surface Pressure X     X 1  
qsurf Surface Air humidity         1  
ustar_ter Friction velocity ter         10  
ustar_lic Friction velocity lic         10  
ustar_oce Friction velocity oce         10  
ustar_sic Friction velocity sic         10  
wstar_ter Friction velocity ter         10  
wstar_lic Friction velocity lic         10  
wstar_oce Friction velocity oce         10  
wstar_sic Friction velocity sic         10  
wstar w* convective velocity         5  
u10m_ter Vent Zonal 10m ter         10  
u10m_lic Vent Zonal 10m lic         10  
u10m_oce Vent Zonal 10m oce         10  
u10m_sic Vent Zonal 10m sic         10  
v10m_ter Vent meredien 10m ter         10  
v10m_lic Vent meredien 10m lic         10  
v10m_oce Vent meredien 10m oce         10  
v10m_sic Vent meredien 10m sic         10  
qsol Soil watter content         1  
ndayrain Number of dayrain(liq+sol)         1  
precip Precip Totale liq+sol X X X X 1  1
rain_fall Precip Totale liq X       1  
plul Large-scale Precip.         1  
plun Numerical Precip.         1  
pluc Convective Precip. X     X 1  
snow Snow fall X     X 1  1
evap Evaporat X X X X 1  1
evap_ter evaporation at surface ter         1  
evap_lic evaporation at surface lic         1  
evap_oce evaporation at surface oce         1  
evap_sic evaporation at surface sic         1  
msnow Surface snow amount         1  
fsnow Surface snow area fraction         1  
tops Solar rad. at TOA   X X X 1  1
tops0 CS Solar rad. at TOA   X X X 1  1
topl IR rad. at TOA X   X X 1  1
topl0 IR rad. at TOA X   X X 1  1
SWupTOA SWup at TOA X   X X 1  1
SWupTOAclr SWup clear sky at TOA X   X X 1  1
SWdnTOA SWdn at TOA X   X X 1  1
SWdnTOAclr SWdn clear sky at TOA     X   1  1
nettop Net dn radiatif flux at TOA X X   X 1  1
SWup200 SWup at 200mb       X 1  
SWup200clr SWup clear sky at 200mb         10  
SWdn200 SWdn at 200mb       X 1  
SWdn200clr SWdn clear sky at 200mb         10  
LWup200 LWup at 200mb       X 1  
LWup200clr LWup clear sky at 200mb       X 1  
LWdn200 LWdn at 200mb       X 1  
LWdn200clr LWdn clear sky at 200mb       X 1  
sols Solar rad. at surf. X X X X 1  1
sols0 Solar rad. at surf.       X 1  
soll IR rad. at surface X   X X 1  1
soll0 IR rad. at surface       X 1  
radsol Rayonnement au sol         1  
SWupSFC SWup at surface X     X 1  
SWupSFCclr SWup clear sky at surface X     X 1  
SWdnSFC SWdn at surface X     X 1  
SWdnSFCclr SWdn clear sky at surface X     X 1  
LWupSFC Upwd. IR rad. at surface X     X 1  
LWupSFCclr CS Upwd. IR rad. at surface       X 1  
LWdnSFC Down. IR rad. at surface X     X 1  
LWdnSFCclr Down. CS IR rad. at surface X     X 1  
bils Surf. total heat flux X X X X 1  1
bils_tke Surf. total heat flux         1  
bils_diss Surf. total heat flux         1  
bils_ec Surf. total heat flux         1  
bils_kinetic Surf. total heat flux         1  
bils_enthalp Surf. total heat flux         1  
bils_latent Surf. total heat flux         1  
sens Sensible heat flux X   X X 1  1
sens_x sens off-wake         11  
sens_w sens within-wake         11  
flat_x flat off-wake         11  
flat_w flat within-wake         11  
delta_tsurf Temperature difference (w-x)         11  
cdragh_x cdragh off-wake         11  
cdragh_w cdragh within-wake         11  
cdragm_x cdragm off-wake         11  
cdragm_w cdragm within-wake         11  
kh Kh         11  
kh_x cdragm off-wake         11  
kh_w cdragm within-wake         11  
fder Heat flux derivation         1  
ffonte Thermal flux for snow melting         1  
fqcalving Ice Calving         1  
fqfonte Land ice melt         1  
mrroli Runoff flux over land ice X       1  
runofflic Land ice melt to ocean         1  5
taux Zonal wind stress X   X X 1  1
tauy Meridional wind stress X   X X 1  1
taux_ter Zonal wind stress ter       X 1  
taux_lic Zonal wind stress lic       X 1  
taux_oce Zonal wind stress oce     X X 1  1
taux_sic Zonal wind stress sic       X 1  
tauy_ter Meridional wind stress ter       X 1  
tauy_lic Meridional wind stress lic       X 1  
tauy_oce Meridional wind stress oce     X X 1  1
tauy_sic Meridional wind stress sic       X 1  
pourc_ter % ter X     X 1  1
pourc_lic % lic       X 1  1
pourc_oce % oce       X 1  1
pourc_sic % sic       X 1  1
fract_ter Fraction ter         1  
fract_lic Fraction lic X       1  
fract_oce Fraction oce         1  
fract_sic Fraction sic X       1  
tsol_ter Temperature ter       X 1  
tsol_lic Temperature lic       X 1  
tsol_oce Temperature oce       X 1  
tsol_sic Temperature sic       X 1  
evappot_ter Temperature ter         1  
evappot_lic Temperature lic         4  
evappot_oce Temperature oce         4  
evappot_sic Temperature sic         4  
sens_ter Sensible heat flux ter         1  
sens_lic Sensible heat flux lic         1  
sens_oce Sensible heat flux oce         1  
sens_sic Sensible heat flux sic         1  
lat_ter Latent heat flux ter       X 1  
lat_lic Latent heat flux lic       X 1  
lat_oce Latent heat flux oce       X 1  
lat_sic Latent heat flux sic       X 1  
flw_ter LW ter         1  
flw_lic LW lic         1  
flw_oce LW oce         1  
flw_sic LW sic         1  
fsw_ter SW ter         1  
fsw_lic SW lic         1  
fsw_oce SW oce         1  
fsw_sic SW sic         1  
wbils_ter Bilan sol ter         1  
wbils_lic Bilan sol lic         1  
wbils_oce Bilan sol oce         1  
wbils_sic Bilan sol sic         1  
wbilo_ter Bilan eau ter         1  1
wbilo_lic Bilan eau lic         1  1
wbilo_oce Bilan eau oce         1  1
wbilo_sic Bilan eau sic         1  1
wevap_ter Evap eau ter         1  1
wevap_lic Evap eau lic         1  1
wevap_oce Evap eau oce         1  1
wevap_sic Evap eau sic         1  1
wrain_ter Pluie eau ter         1  1
wrain_lic Pluie eau lic         1  1
wrain_oce Pluie eau oce         1  1
wrain_sic Pluie eau sic         1  1
wsnow_ter Neige eau ter         1  1
wsnow_lic Neige eau lic         1  1
wsnow_oce Neige eau oce         1  1
wsnow_sic Neige eau sic         1  1
cdrm Momentum drag coef.         1  
cdrh Heat drag coef.         1  
cldl Low-level cloudiness       X 1  
cldm Mid-level cloudiness       X 1  
cldh High-level cloudiness       X 1  
cldt Total cloudiness X     X 1  
cldq Cloud liquid water path X     X 1  
lwp Cloud water path X     X 1  
iwp Cloud ice water path X     X 1  
ue Zonal energy transport         1  
ve Merid energy transport       X 1  
uq Zonal humidity transport         1  
vq Merid humidity transport         1  
cape Conv avlbl pot ener         1  
pbase Cld base pressure X     X 1  
ptop Cld top pressure X     X 1  
fbase Cld base mass flux         1  
plcl Lifting Condensation Level         1  
plfc Level of Free Convection         1  
wbeff Conv. updraft velocity at LFC (inf100)         1  
convoccur Convective occurence         10  
prw Precipitable water X X   X 1  1
prlw Precipitable liquid water         1  
prsw Precipitable solid water         1  
s_pblh Boundary Layer Height X       1  
s_pblt t at Boundary Layer Height         1  
s_lcl Condensation level         1  
s_therm Exces du thermique         1  
slab_bils_oce Bilan au sol sur ocean slab         1  
ale_bl ALE BL         1  
alp_bl ALP BL         1  
ale_wk ALE WK         1  
alp_wk ALP WK         1  
ale ALE         1  
alp ALP         1  
cin Convective INhibition         1  
wape -         1  
n2 Nombre de panaches de type 2 X X   X 1  1
s2 Surface moyenne des panaches de type 2       X 1  
proba_notrig Probabilite de non-declenchement         1  
random_notrig Tirage aleatoire de non-declenchement         1  
ale_bl_stat ALE_BL_STAT         1  
ale_bl_trig ALE_BL_STAT + Condition P>Pseuil         1  
alp_bl_det ALP_BL_DET         1  
alp_bl_fluct_m ALP_BL_FLUCT_M         1  
alp_bl_fluct_tke ALP_BL_FLUCT_TKE         1  
alp_bl_conv ALP_BL_CONV         1  
alp_bl_stat ALP_BL_STAT         1  
u850 Zonal wind 850hPa         1  
u700 Zonal wind 700hPa         1  
u500 Zonal wind 500hPa       X 1  
u200 Zonal wind 200hPa         1  
u100 Zonal wind 100hPa         1  
u50 Zonal wind 50hPa       X 1  
u10 Zonal wind 10hPa X     X 1  
v850 Meridional wind 850hPa         1  
v700 Meridional wind 700hPa         1  
v500 Meridional wind 500hPa       X 1  
v200 Meridional wind 200hPa         1  
v100 Meridional wind 100hPa         1  
v50 Meridional wind 50hPa       X 1  
v10 Meridional wind 10hPa X     X 1  
w850 Vertical wind 850hPa         1  
w700 Vertical wind 700hPa         1  
w500 Vertical wind 500hPa       X 1  
w200 Vertical wind 200hPa         1  
w100 Vertical wind 100hPa         1  
w50 Vertical wind 50hPa       X 1  
w10 Vertical wind 10hPa         1  
t850 Temperature 850hPa         1  
t700 Temperature 700hPa         1  
t500 Temperature 500hPa         1  
t200 Temperature 200hPa         1  
t100 Temperature 100hPa         1  
t50 Temperature 50hPa         1  
t10 Temperature 10hPa         1  
q850 Specific humidity 850hPa         1  
q700 Specific humidity 700hPa         1  
q500 Specific humidity 500hPa         1  
q200 Specific humidity 200hPa         1  
q100 Specific humidity 100hPa         1  
q50 Specific humidity 50hPa         1  
q10 Specific humidity 10hPa         1  
z850 Geopotential height 850hPa         1  
z700 Geopotential height 700hPa         1  
z500 Geopotential height 500hPa         1  
z200 Geopotential height 200hPa         1  
z100 Geopotential height 100hPa         1  
z50 Geopotential height 50hPa         1  
z10 Geopotential height 10hPa         1  
t_oce_sic Temp mixte oce-sic         1  
weakinv Weak inversion         10  
dthmin dTheta mini         10  
u10_ter -         10  
u10_lic -         10  
u10_oce -         10  
u10_sic -         10  
v10_ter -         10  
v10_lic -         10  
v10_oce -         10  
v10_sic -         10  
rh2m Relative humidity at 2m X     X 5  
rh2m_min Min Relative humidity at 2m X       10  
rh2m_max Max Relative humidity at 2m X       10  
qsat2m Saturant humidity at 2m         10  
tpot Surface air potential temperature         10  
tpote Surface air equivalent potential temperature         10  
tke TKE         4  7
tke_ter Max Turb. Kinetic Energy ter         10  
tke_lic Max Turb. Kinetic Energy lic         10  
tke_oce Max Turb. Kinetic Energy oce         10  
tke_sic Max Turb. Kinetic Energy sic         10  
tke_max_ter Max Turb. Kinetic Energy ter         10  
tke_max_lic Max Turb. Kinetic Energy lic         10  
tke_max_oce Max Turb. Kinetic Energy oce         10  
tke_max_sic Max Turb. Kinetic Energy sic         10  
l_mix_ter PBL mixing length ter         10  
l_mix_lic PBL mixing length lic         10  
l_mix_oce PBL mixing length oce         10  
l_mix_sic PBL mixing length sic         10  
l_mixmin_ter min PBL mixing length ter         10  
l_mixmin_lic min PBL mixing length lic         10  
l_mixmin_oce min PBL mixing length oce         10  
l_mixmin_sic min PBL mixing length sic         10  
SWnetOR Sfce net SW radiation OR         10  
SWdownOR Sfce incident SW radiation OR         10  
LWdownOR Sfce incident LW radiation OR         10  
snowl Solid Large-scale Precip.         10  
cape_max CAPE max.         10  
solldown Down. IR rad. at surface         10  
dtsvdfo Boundary-layer dTs(o)         10  
dtsvdft Boundary-layer dTs(t)         10  
dtsvdfg Boundary-layer dTs(g)         10  
dtsvdfi Boundary-layer dTs(g)         10  
rugs rugosity         10  
z0m roughness length, momentum         10  
z0h roughness length, enthalpy         10  
topswad ADE at TOA   X   X 5 10
topswad0 ADE clear-sky at TOA         5 10
topswai AIE at TOA   X   X 5 10
solswad ADE at SRF   X   X 5 10
solswad0 ADE clear-sky at SRF         5 10
solswai AIE at SFR   X   X 5 10
toplwad LW-ADE at TOA X       5 10
toplwad0 LW-ADE clear-sky at TOA X       5 10
toplwai LW-AIE clear-sky at TOA         5 10
sollwad LW-ADE at SRF         5 10
sollwad0 LW-ADE clear-sky at SRF         5 10
sollwai LW-AIE at SRF         5 10
od550_ASBCM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_ASPOMM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_ASSO4M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_CSSO4M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_SSSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_ASSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_CSSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_CIDUSTM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_AIBCM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_AIPOMM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_ASNO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X       2 7
od550_CSNO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_CINO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550_STRAT Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm X X   X 2 2
dryod550_ASBCM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_ASPOMM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_ASSO4M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_CSSO4M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_SSSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_ASSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_CSSSM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_CIDUSTM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_AIBCM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_AIPOMM Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_ASNO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_CSNO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
dryod550_CINO3M Aerosol Optical depth at 550 nm         2 7
od550aer Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm X X   X 2  2
dryod550aer Total dry aerosol optical depth at 550nm         2  
od865aer Total aerosol optical depth at 870nm X       2  
abs550aer Absorption aerosol optical depth at 550nm X       2  
od550lt1aer Fine mode optical depth X X   X 2  2
sconcso4 Surface Concentration of Sulfate X     X 2  2
sconcoa Surface Concentration of Organic Aerosol       X 2  
sconcbc Surface Concentration of Black Carbon       X 2  
sconcss Surface Concentration of Sea Salt X     X 2  11
sconcdust Surface Concentration of Dust X     X 2  11
sconcno3 Surface Concentration of Nitrate         2 11
loadso4 Column Load of Sulfate X     X 2  11
loadoa Column Load of Organic Aerosol X     X 2  11
loadbc Column Load of Black Carbon X     X 2  11
loadss Column Load of Sea Salt X     X 2  11
loaddust Column Load of Dust X     X 2  11
loadno3 Column Load of Nitrate X       2  11
swtoaas_nat Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfas_nat Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF       X 4  11
swtoacs_nat Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfcs_nat Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF       X 4  11
swtoaas_ant Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfas_ant Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF       X 4  11
swtoacs_ant Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfcs_ant Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF       X 4  11
swtoacf_nat Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfcf_nat Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF       X 4  11
swtoacf_ant Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfcf_ant Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF       X 4  11
swtoacf_zero Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at TOA       X 4  11
swsrfcf_zero Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at SRF       X 4  11
cldncl CDNC at top of liquid water cloud X     X 2  11
reffclwtop Droplet effective radius at top of liquid water cloud X     X 2  11
cldnvi Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number X       2  11
lcc Cloud liquid fraction at top of cloud X     X 2  11
wvapp -         2  
ozone_daylight Daylight ozone mole fraction         2  
albe_ter Albedo VIS surf. ter         3  
albe_lic Albedo VIS surf. lic         3  
albe_oce Albedo VIS surf. oce         3  
albe_sic Albedo VIS surf. sic         3  
ages_ter Snow age ter         10  
ages_lic Snow age lic         3  
ages_oce Snow age oce         10  
ages_sic Snow age sic         3  
snow_ter Snow         10  
snow_lic Snow         3  
snow_oce Snow         10  
snow_sic Snow         3  
rugs_ter Surface roughness ter         3  
rugs_lic Surface roughness lic         3  
rugs_oce Surface roughness oce         3  
rugs_sic Surface roughness sic         3  
z0m_ter roughness length, momentum ter         3  
z0m_lic roughness length, momentum lic         3  
z0m_oce roughness length, momentum oce         3  
z0m_sic roughness length, momentum sic         3  
z0h_ter roughness length, enthalpy ter         3  
z0h_lic roughness length, enthalpy lic         3  
z0h_oce roughness length, enthalpy oce         3  
z0h_sic roughness length, enthalpy sic         3  
alb1 Surface VIS albedo         3  
alb2 Surface Near IR albedo         3  
ftime_con Fraction of time convection Occurs X     X 4  
wake_h wake_h         4  
wake_s wake_s         4  
epmax epmax en fn cape         2  
plulth Rainfall therm.         10  
plulst Rainfall strat.         10  
lmaxth Upper level thermals         10  
ftime_th Fraction of time Shallow convection occurs X       4  
f0_th Thermal closure mass flux         4  
zmax_th Thermal plume height         4  
rsut4co2 TOA Out SW in 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  
rlut4co2 TOA Out LW in 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  
rsutcs4co2 TOA Out CS SW in 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  
rlutcs4co2 TOA Out CS LW in 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  
dqphy2d Physics dQ         2  
dqlphy2d Physics dQL         2  
dqsphy2d Physics dQS         2  
dqdyn2d Dynamics dQ         4  
dqldyn2d Dynamics dQL         4  
dqsdyn2d Dynamics dQS         4  
dqcon2d Convection dQ         4  
dqwak2d Wake dQ         4  
dqlsc2d Condensation dQ         4  
dqvdf2d Boundary-layer dQ         4  
dqeva2d Reevaporation dQ         4  
dqlscth2d dQ therm.         10  
dqlscst2d dQ strat.         10  
dqthe2d Thermal dQ         4  
dqajs2d Dry ajdust dQ         4  
cldtau Cloud optical thickness         10  
cldemi Cloud optical emissivity         10  
tke_max TKE max         4  
kz Kz melange X       4  
kz_max Kz melange max         4  
concso4 Concentration of Sulfate       X 2  
concoa Concentration of Organic Aerosol       X 2  
concbc Concentration of Black Carbon       X 2  
concss Concentration of Sea Salt       X 2  
concdust Concentration of Dust X     X 2  
concno3 Concentration of Nitrate         2  
ec550aer Extinction at 550nm X     X 2  
lwcon Cloud liquid water content X     X 2  7
iwcon Cloud ice water content X     X 2  7
temp Air temperature X X X X 2  1
theta Potential air temperature       X 2  3
ovap Specific humidity X     X 2  1
ovapinit Specific humidity (begin of timestep)       X 2  10
oliq Liquid water         2  1
ocond Condensed water         2  1
geop Geopotential height X   X X 2  3
vitu Zonal wind X X X X 2  1
vitv Meridional wind X   X X 2  1
vitw Vertical wind X     X 2  1
pres Air pressure X     X 2  1
paprs Air pressure Inter-Couches X     X 2  3
mass Masse Couches X       2  3
zfull Altitude of full pressure levels X       2  1
zhalf Altitude of half pressure levels X       2  7
rneb Cloud fraction X     X 2  1
rnebcon Convective Cloud Fraction X     X 2  7
rnebls LS Cloud fraction         2  7
rneblsvol LS Cloud fraction by volume         2  7
rhum Relative humidity X   X X 2  1
ozone Ozone mole fraction X X     2  3
upwd saturated updraft X     X 2  7
ep ep         2  7
duphy Physics du         2  7
dtphy Physics dT X     X 2  7
dqphy Physics dQ X     X 2  7
dqlphy Physics dQL         2  7
dqsphy Physics dQS         2  7
pr_con_l Convective precipitation lic X       2  3
pr_con_i Convective precipitation ice X       2  3
pr_lsc_l Large scale precipitation lic X       2  3
pr_lsc_i Large scale precipitation ice X       2  3
re Cloud droplet effective radius X     X 5  5
fl Denominator of Cloud droplet effective radius X X   X 5  5
scdnc Cloud droplet number concentration X     X 2  11
reffclws Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (aerosol diags.) X     X 2  11
reffclwc Convective Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (aerosol diags.)       X 2  11
lcc3d Cloud liquid fraction X     X 2  11
lcc3dcon Convective cloud liquid fraction X     X 2  11
lcc3dstra Stratiform cloud liquid fraction X     X 2  11
cldwatmxrat Cloud Water Mixing Ratio X       2  
icc3dcon Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Ice X       2  11
icc3dstra Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice X       2  11
cldicemxrat Cloud Ice Mixing Ratio X       2  
clwcon Convective Cloud Liquid water content         4  7
Ma undilute adiab updraft X     X 4  7
dnwd saturated downdraft X       4  7
dnwd0 unsat. downdraft         4  7
mc Convective mass flux X     X 4  7
dtdyn Dynamics dT X     X 4  7
dqdyn Dynamics dQ X     X 4  7
dqldyn Dynamics dQL         4  7
dqsdyn Dynamics dQS         4  7
dudyn Dynamics dU         4  7
dvdyn Dynamics dV         4  7
dtcon Convection dT         4  7
ducon Convection du         4  7
dvcon Convection dv         4  7
dqcon Convection dQ         4  7
dtwak Wake dT         4  7
dqwak Wake dQ         4  7
wake_deltat wake_deltat         4  7
wake_deltaq wake_deltaq         4  7
wake_omg wake_omg         4  7
wdtrainA precipitation from AA         4  9
wdtrainM precipitation from mixture         4  9
Vprecip precipitation vertical profile         10  11
ftd tend temp due aux descentes precip         4  7
fqd tend vap eau due aux descentes precip         4  7
dtlsc Condensation dT X     X 4  7
dtlschr Large-scale condensational heating rate X     X 4  7
dqlsc Condensation dQ X       4  7
beta_prec LS Conversion rate to prec         4  9
dtvdf Boundary-layer dT X       4  7
dtvdf_x dtvdf off_wake         11  
dtvdf_w dtvdf within_wake         11  
dtdis TKE dissipation dT         4  7
dqvdf Boundary-layer dQ X     X 4  7
dqvdf_x dqvdf off_wake         11  
dqvdf_w dqvdf within_wake         11  
dteva Reevaporation dT         4  7
dqeva Reevaporation dQ         4  7
dqlscth dQ therm.         10  
dqlscst dQ strat. X       10  
dtlscth dQ therm.         10  
dtlscst dQ strat.         10  
ptconvth POINTS CONVECTIFS therm.         10  7
ptconv POINTS CONVECTIFS         4  7
ratqs RATQS         4  7
dtthe Thermal dT         4  7
f_th Thermal plume mass flux X       4  7
e_th Thermal plume entrainment         4  9
w_th Thermal plume vertical velocity         4  7
lambda_th Thermal plume vertical velocity         10  
q_th Thermal plume total humidity         4  9
a_th Thermal plume fraction         4  9
s_th Thermal plume saturation deficit         4  9
s_env Environment saturation deficit         4  9
sigma_th Thermal plume gauss variance         4  9
sigma_env Environment gauss variance         4  9
d_th Thermal plume detrainment         4  9
dqthe Thermal dQ         4  7
dtajs Dry adjust. dT X       4  7
dqajs Dry adjust. dQ         4  7
dtswr SW radiation dT         4  7
dtsw0 CS SW radiation dT X       4  7
dtlwr LW radiation dT         4  7
dtlw0 CS LW radiation dT X       4  7
dtec Cinetic dissip dT         4  7
duvdf Boundary-layer dU         4  7
dvvdf Boundary-layer dV         4  7
duoro Orography dU X       4  7
dvoro Orography dV X       4  7
dulif Orography dU         4  7
dvlif Orography dV         4  7
du_gwd_hines Hines GWD dU         4  7
dv_gwd_hines Hines GWD dV         4  7
du_gwd_front Fronts GWD dU         4  7
dv_gwd_front Fronts GWD dV         4  7
east_gwstress Eastward GW Stress X       4  10
west_gwstress Westward GW Stress X       4  10
dtoro Orography dT X       4  10
dtlif Orography dT         4  7
dthin Hines GWD dT         4  7
rsu SW upward radiation X X   X 4  5
rsd SW downward radiation X       4  10
rlu LW upward radiation X       4  10
rld LW downward radiation X       4  10
rsucs SW CS upward radiation X       4  10
rsdcs SW CS downward radiation X       4  10
rlucs LW CS upward radiation X       4  10
rldcs LW CS downward radiation X       4  10
tnt Tendency of air temperature X     X 4  10
tntc Tendency of air temperature due to Moist Convection X       4  10
tntr Air temperature tendency due to Radiative heating X     X 4  10
tntscpbl Air temperature tendency due to St cloud and precipitation and BL mixing X     X 4  10
tnhus Tendency of specific humidity X     X 4  10
tnhusc Tendency of specific humidity due to convection X       4  10
tnhusscpbl Tendency of Specific humidity due to ST cl, precip and BL mixing X     X 4  10
evu Eddy viscosity coefficient for Momentum Variables X     X 4  10
h2o Mass Fraction of Water         4  10
mcd Downdraft COnvective Mass Flux       X 4  10
dmc Deep COnvective Mass Flux         4  10
ref_liq Effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle         4  5
ref_ice Effective radius of startiform cloud ice particle X       4  10
rsu4co2 Upwelling SW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rlu4co2 Upwelling LW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rsucs4co2 Upwelling CS SW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rlucs4co2 Upwelling CS LW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rsd4co2 Downwelling SW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rld4co2 Downwelling LW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rsdcs4co2 Downwelling CS SW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
rldcs4co2 Downwelling CS LW 4xCO2 atmosphere X       5  10
solbnd Top-of-Atmosphere Solar Insolation for each band X       4  10