Check CMIP6

Checks post-simus des runs CMIP6


QC finished 13/07/2018



Process XML file(s): 100% | 450/450 files
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 287/287 files

Number of DR2XML file(s) scanned: 450
Number of DR2XML entry(ies) scanned: 34650
Number of netCDF file(s) scanned: 287
Number of difference(s) between XML and XIOS outputs: 0
Number of XIOS output(s) not in XML files: 0
Number of XML entry(ies) not as XIOS output: 0

See log: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-0p5xCO2/CM61-LR-0p5xCO2-01/XIOFileChecker-20180711-151911.log

> nctime overlap $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES -l $LOGDIR
Process XML file(s): 100% | 450/450 filesles
Number of node(s): 284
Number of dataset(s): 228
Number of dataset(s) with overlap(s): 0
Number of dataset(s) with broken time series: 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 284
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-0p5xCO2/CM61-LR-0p5xCO2-01/nctime-overlap-20180711-152005.log

> nctime axis $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES --set-inc Esubhr:subhrPt=15m --exclude-file ".*_Odec_.*" --exclude-file ".*-clim\.nc" --ignore-errors 004 -l $LOGDIR
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 270/270 files
Number of file(s) with error(s): 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 270
Number of file(s) skipped: 0QC finished 13/07/2018
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-0p5xCO2/CM61-LR-0p5xCO2-01/nctime-axis-20180713-124052.log

Number of files scanned: 287
Number of file with error(s): 0


Corrections erreurs connues:

nctime  OK
realm = "ocnBgChem"  OK
attributs globaux netCDF  N/A
coordinates pour la variable area  OK
mfo  N/A
landCoverFrac  N/A
rld  OK
rld_Efx_*.nc  N/A


QC finished 19/07/2018



Process XML file(s): 100% | 450/450 files
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 295/295 files

Number of DR2XML file(s) scanned: 450
Number of DR2XML entry(ies) scanned: 34650
Number of netCDF file(s) scanned: 295
Number of difference(s) between XML and XIOS outputs: 0
Number of XIOS output(s) not in XML files: 0
Number of XML entry(ies) not as XIOS output: 0

See log: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-2xCO2/CM61-LR-2xCO2-01/XIOFileChecker-20180713-142557.log

> nctime axis $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES --set-inc Esubhr:subhrPt=15m --exclude-file ".*_Odec_.*" --exclude-file ".*-clim\.nc" --ignore-errors 004 -l $LOGDIR --max-processes 10
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 277/277 files
Number of file(s) with error(s): 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 277
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-2xCO2/CM61-LR-2xCO2-01/nctime-axis-20180719-125336.log

> nctime overlap $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES -l $LOGDIR
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 291/291 files
Process XML file(s): 100% | 450/450 files
Number of node(s): 291
Number of dataset(s): 228
Number of dataset(s) with overlap(s): 0
Number of dataset(s) with broken time series: 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 291
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-2xCO2/CM61-LR-2xCO2-01/nctime-overlap-20180719-135348.log
> PrePARE $SIMULATION -l $LOGDIR --exclude-file ".*_Nonemon_.*" --exclude-file ".*_HOM.*"

Number of files scanned: 294
Number of file with error(s): 0

nctime  OK
realm = "ocnBgChem"  OK
attributs globaux netCDF  N/A
coordinates pour la variable area  OK
mfo  N/A
rld  OK
rld_Efx_*.nc  N/A


QC finished 31/07/2018



Process XML file(s): 100% | 450/450 files
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 576/576 files

Number of DR2XML file(s) scanned: 450
Number of DR2XML entry(ies) scanned: 64050
Number of netCDF file(s) scanned: 576
Number of difference(s) between XML and XIOS outputs: 0
Number of XIOS output(s) not in XML files: 0
Number of XML entry(ies) not as XIOS output: 0

See log: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-solp4p/CM61-LR-solp4p-01/XIOFileChecker-20180730-145755.log

> nctime axis $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES --set-inc Esubhr:subhrPt=15m --exclude-file ".*_Odec_.*" --exclude-file ".*-clim\.nc" --ignore-errors 004 -l $LOGDIR
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 559/559 files
Number of file(s) with error(s): 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 559
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-solp4p/CM61-LR-solp4p-01/nctime-axis-20180730-181903-28824.log

> nctime overlap $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES -l $LOGDIR

> PrePARE $SIMULATION --max-processes 10 --exclude-file ".*_Nonemon_.*" --exclude-file ".*_HOM.*" -l $LOGDIR

Corrections erreurs connues:

realm = "ocnBgChem"  
attributs globaux netCDF  
coordinates pour la variable area  
rld_Efx_*.nc  NDY




QC finished 26/09/2018



Process XML file(s): 100% | 300/300 files
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 608/608 files

Number of DR2XML file(s) scanned: 300
Number of DR2XML entry(ies) scanned: 42700
Number of netCDF file(s) scanned: 608
Number of difference(s) between XML and XIOS outputs: 0
Number of XIOS output(s) not in XML files: 0
Number of XML entry(ies) not as XIOS output: 0

See log: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-solm4p/CM61-LR-solm4p-01/XIOFileChecker-20180925-143740.log

> nctime overlap $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES -l $LOGDIR
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 604/604 files
Process XML file(s): 100% | 300/300 files
Number of node(s): 604
Number of dataset(s): 423
Number of dataset(s) with overlap(s): 0
Number of dataset(s) with broken time series: 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 604
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-solm4p/CM61-LR-solm4p-01/nctime-overlap-20180925-145219-3784.log

> nctime axis $SIMULATION --card $CARD_FILES --set-inc Esubhr:subhrPt=15m --exclude-file ".*_Odec_.*" --exclude-file ".*-clim\.nc" --ignore-errors 004 -l $LOGDIR
Process netCDF file(s): 100% | 591/591 files
Number of file(s) with error(s): 0
Number of file(s) scanned: 591
Number of file(s) skipped: 0
:: LOG     :: /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/p86fair/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/PROD/abrupt-solm4p/CM61-LR-solm4p-01/nctime-axis-20180925-145406-7495.log

> PrePARE $SIMULATION -l $LOGDIR --exclude-file ".*_Nonemon_.*" --exclude-file ".*_HOM.*" --exclude-file ".*-clim\.nc"Number of files scanned: 575
Number of file with error(s): 0