First testing version after major rewrite. Results converge with previous testing r5244.
Changes in code:
Change of results since previous tag:
Resolved issues:
Remaining issues:
-strataer true
, a restarted run crashes.-strataer true
, we do not have 1+1=2.This is the last testing version before a major rewrite of the physics code to adhere to more modern fortran conventions.
Change of results since previous tag:
no longer contains the variable RNEBANCIEN. This variable has been renamed to cfancien and only appears now if ok_ice_supersat=y
.Resolved issues:
Remaining issues:
-strataer true
, a restarted run crashes.-strataer true
, we do not have 1+1=2.Initialisation of a restart variable in the 1D case was bugged. Otherwise, results of tests are identical to those of the previous tag, except as noted below.
Change of results since previous tag:
Resolved issues:
Remaining issues:
-strataer true
, we do not have 1+1=2. On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with -strataer true
, a restarted run crashes.There is one additional variable in the physical restart file. Otherwise, results of tests are identical to those of the previous tag, except as noted below.
Change of results since previous tag:
Resolved issues:
Remaining issues:
-strataer true
, we do not have 1+1=2. On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with -strataer true
, a restarted run crashes.Change of results since previous tag:
Resolved issues:
Remaining issues:
On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, parallel=mpi, execution of gcm crashes in radiation_general_cloud_optics_data.F90
, line 189, with message:
0: forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8):
Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable MASS_EXT when it is
not allocated
On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, parallel=mpi_omp, results with LMDZ-testing-20230626 are different than results with LMDZ-testing-202304. This is expected.
Except for the case above, results of runs with LMDZ-testing-20230626 are exactly the same as with LMDZ-testing-202304.
Except for issues described below, we have 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 MPI × 2 OpenMP = 1 MPI.
On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, parallel=mpi, execution of gcm crashes in radiation_general_cloud_optics_data.F90
, line 189, with message:
0: forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8):
Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable MASS_EXT when it is
not allocated
With Gnu compilers version 11, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, results with 2 MPI × 2 OpenMP are different than results with 1 MPI (no OpenMP).
This version includes the first merge of the ECRAD aerosols development branch.
On jean-zay, with Intel compilers, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, parallel=mpi, execution of gcm crashes in radiation_general_cloud_optics_data.F90
, line 189, with message:
0: forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8):
Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable MASS_EXT when it is
not allocated
On a PC, with Gnu compilers version 11, for LMDZ configured with rad=ecrad, parallel=mpi_omp, compilation fails for radiation_cloud_generator.f90
, with message:
554 | !$omp declare simd(sample_from_pdf_simd) uniform(this) &
Error: Symbol ‘sample_from_pdf_simd’ at (1) has already been
host associated fcm_internal compile failed (256)
This version will compile and execute a LMDZ-DYNAMICO configuration provided:
First version of testing using a full battery of tests.